Monday, November 4, 2013

Hackintosh: [IOBluetoothHCIController][start] -- completed fix

The dreaded [IOBluetoothHCIController][start] -- completed screen.
If you find yourself screen stuck at [IOBluetoothHCIController][start] -- completed line you most likely just got done installed OS X and booting into OS X for the first time.  If that is the case then the fix is quite easy.  Simply restart your computer and at the bootloader screen type -v -x.  This should allow you to get in to OS X to start the Multibeast installation.

If you have a CPU that does not end in a K, aka unlocked versions, then check your BIOS and look for something called Vt-d and Disable it.  This is known to cause issues with OS X while providing no benefit to OS X.

Another issue might be if you are using a VGA cable for your monitor.  It's known to not work unless you do some kext editing, so if possible use HDMI or DVI.

As always, I've found it best to use IGFX whenever possible.  Although, with the latest release of OS X Mavericks I was able to use my Sapphire 7950 without and problems.  I also no longer have to do the well known sleep trick or fbrotate trick.

The user Deepak Soni has also suggested removing appleintelhd3000.kext from System/Library/Extension folder and then reboot.


  1. Replies
    1. What are your system specs?

    2. Hey there. This is a very weird error. I noticed it happens when my linux NVIDIA driver fails to load!!!

      Either both work, or both fail. That's very strange. I think it might have something to do with a low level error, because it started not working when I just shut down the computer and rebooted. No options to chameleon work in this case.

      I think the card goes into a power saving mode, that's probably the culprit. It stays in some low power mode and shuts the whole PCI down, somehow freezing the computer!!

    3. My card is GTX 480 and board is Gigabyte G.1 Guerilla, BTW!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. А есть инструкция под виртуальную машину?

    6. I do not know of any methods to get it working in a virtual machine, sry.

  2. Hi, I've been trying for over a month now to solve this problem, with absolutely no success.

    My build:
    mobo: GA-X79-UP4
    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX EVGA 780Ti
    Proc: Intel Xeon 3.5GHz Hexacore Socket 2011
    RAM: 32GB Corsair Vengeance

    This exact screen flashes for a moment at the end of all the other script, and then it goes black and my monitor says no connection detected. If you can figure this out for me, I will seriously pay you via paypal. I'm quite desperate and very confused. I used a DVI connection first, and have since switched to a DisplayPort connection thinking that might help. Nothing. Again, I've been reading and posting on countless message boards and forums, and have gotten no help. Pleeaaaassse.

    1. When you boot with -v -x what happens?

    2. Hi, I have the same problem to the letter. When booting in verbose mode this screen flashes up
      the screen flashes black and my monitor loses connection. To the best of my knowledge my computer restarts, because it doesn't turn off, and I can't see anything happening onscreen. I need to hard shutdown/restart. I have attempted to boot with -v -x PCIRootUID=0 GraphicsEnabler=No -f and a million others. Any help will be met with open arms and a slave for life. Seriously though, this is really frustrating, and the above bootflagcombo doesn't bring up anything different. Please help

  3. Solution is simple
    Remove appleintelhd3000.kext from system/library/extension folder. Then reboot

  4. where I must write this?

  5. Hi, I tried booting into single user verbose mode by pressing space when selecting boot from Os x base system. But I did not get this root interruption to do all these operations.
    I also tried by setting -s boot flag in clover boot options and that too did not work. Please suggest. Even after deleting kext files for Bluetooth, I am getting this error
